Saturday, November 2, 2013

Internet Lecture Response

On Friday, Mr. Miller gave a lecture about the Internet, and I really learned a lot from it. The first thing I learned was the history and how it came about. I was surprised to learn that the Internet was only born in 1969, which is not that long ago compared to the other forms of media we have learned about in the past. Along with the history of the internet, I also learned how the internet effects other forms of media. The record industry for example, why buy a whole album of the shelf while you could get that one song that you want, for a extremely affordable price? You could even download that one song for free of the internet if you knew how! These examples really have effected the record industry over the years. Along with the record industry, retail stores are also suffering from retail stores. This is caused the second option that the internet allows for customers, which is internet shopping. Why drive to a retail store and risk the chance for not finding what you want when you could find it online and have it shipped to your door? The internet is such a great source of communication, but could it actually be hurting local economies? This is the only question I have from this in-class discussion. I was never aware the effects of the internet, but now I am more aware and informed.

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