Thursday, September 26, 2013

Newspaper Lecture Response(1st six weeks)

      Due to Mr. Miller's lecture covering newspapers, I now know how newspapers came about, why we actually read them, and the parts and pieces of them. He explained to us about the man, John Peter Zenger, the man who wrote freely and openly about the British rule of young America, and fought in court for the 1st amendment, or freedom of the press. Without him, our system of communication would be vastly different and probably delayed by decades. He also talked about the inverted pyramid style of reading, which is placing your most important information at the top of your article, in case you article were to get cut short. Along with this, is the reasons on why we still read them, which are: being affordable, diverse content, lo-tech, physical, non-linear, and traditional. Honestly, before this specific discussion, I could not come up with one reason why somebody would read a newspaper in the 20th century, however now, I understand multiple reasons and I agree completely. Maybe I'll consider reading the paper more often now!

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