Monday, September 23, 2013

media critique

     If you checked the news tonight you would have easily been informed of the "Mall Massacre" in Nairobi, Kenya. It was all over both CNN and Fox news, however it was quite obvious that CNN had a more in-depth coverage of the event. CNN got the big picture, including how it affects us, while Fox just included the basics of the event, things that were pretty much common knowledge. Fox failed to meet the yardstick, Explanation, which means they did not get the big picture, only basic facts without much explanation. Typically, you hear about a story through the radio or just by word of mouth, and you turn to the television news for the details, and on Fox it either stated the obvious, or what CNN shared 30 minutes before them. So next time a major event such as this occurs, CNN is where you should head to.

1 comment:

  1. This is kind of vague. You should have linked to the stories and provided more specific information about what was omitted.
