Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Movies(and television) Lecture Response

     I really enjoyed this lecture Mr. Miller presented to the class. The lecture covered the history of television and why movies are a success and also demassified. The main topic that I enjoyed was the movie theater portion. It was interesting to now why the movie theaters are so successful, because it was something that I previously never understood. The first reason is that movie theater is so successful is because of the social experience, in this time and day, it is bold to go to see a movie alone. So when teenagers go to see a movie, they usually go in groups, which is a great reason why movies are so successful. Also, for some teens, it is important that they are among the first to see a movie, so the movie theater is where to go. The next reason why they are so successful are because of the overwhelming experience that a movie theater produces. Especially in a action or thriller, the booming surround sound and the enormous movie screen adds an effect that you can't get anywhere else. The last reason is because it is content exclusive.When you go to a movie theater, there is a large variety of movies that television can't portray. For the demassification of movie theaters, there are four reasons, adult content, tech innovations, money, and spectacle. These are all for the most part, self explanatory. 

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