Thursday, November 14, 2013

Radio Lecture

Hearing about the history of the radio and why it became so successful was very interesting. Also, one thing that really perplexed me was the fact that there are cable laying on the bottom of the sea, connecting one continent to another! I know this is silly that it interests me, but it is something that I just was informed of. Anyways, the main reason why the radio was so successful was because it was the first live medium that could be heard. Which means that one could now hear the latest news immediately. For this time (1922+), this really was a mindbogglingly invention. Unfortunately, the radio industry started to demassify as the television were invented. However, the genre of music, rock & roll was the savior of the music industry, as well as the fact that radio channels began forming niche audiences based on the genre of music they played.

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